Wheat Class
In English we have been reading "The little red hen". The children have been creating character profiles and writing descriptive sentences.
In Maths we have been looking at representing our numbers up to 10 using a tens frame.
Just some of our wonderful Tudor houses, thank you so much for your help and support with these. They look wonderful!
In Geography we have been learning about the 4 countries that make up the UK and learning to find it on a world map.
We have also been baking up a storm! We have made apple and cheese rolls which the children said tasted very yummy, as well as our Children in Need cupcakes.
Monday 6th January 2025
Welcome back Wheat class, I hope you have all had a restful break. We have an exciting term ahead of us and I wanted to let you know what we will be learning about. Our learning will be linking back to the topic of "Extreme Weather" which is our focus for this term.
In English we will be reading three different books "After the Storm" by Nick Butterworth, "Dear Greenpeace" by Simon James and "The Storm Whale" by Benji Davies. Using these texts we will be writing setting descriptions, letters and exploring some creative writing. In Maths we will be looking at number and place value, addition and subtraction as well as fractions and statistics. In Science we will be looking at everyday materials, what they are, how they are made and why materials are used for different purposes.
For Geography this term we will be looking at daily weather, seasonal weather as well as extreme weather around the world and in the UK.
In Art we are looking at Monet and Andy Goldsworthy and we have some exciting creative opportunities based on their work. In DT, continuing on from our weather topic we will be making 4 different items that are powered by wind power. In RE we are exploring " What did Jesus teach about God in his parables".
Please see bi-weekly newsletter for family learning, trip and project dates and information.
Many thanks
Miss Wood