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Barley Class

Welcome to Barley Class

We are learning with Mrs Loftus this year who is supported by Miss Higgins TA, Mrs Slade HLTA and Mrs Hasted HLTA.

Well done Barley class for your amazing start to the Autumn term. It is so lovely to see you all back at school, keen and eager to learn.

Our topic for the whole term is Wars and Battles.

Please see the Knowledge organiser below and also the introductory letter.


Weekly Learning - 13th July 2020

Barley Class, it has been so lovely to catch up with lots of you this week and to see and hear about your learning about British Values. Next week our learning is about sport and fitness so rememebr to keep active and healthy throughout the week and attempt some of the tasks in your home learning below.

We miss you all and can't wait to see you all again in September

Home Learning 29th June 2020

Hello Barley, we hope you are all well and you enjoyed your 70s week.  This week our theme is British Values - that means thinking about things that are important to us in Britain, such as democracy, liberty, respect, tolerance and the Rule of Law.   We will be focusing on The Law and our Legal System.   It will be a good week to ask the opinion of others around you, to listen, to ask questions and to have some good discussions at home.




Home Learning 22nd June 2020

Our focus this week is the very groovy 1970s!  There are lots of activities to choose from, so we hope you find some you really enjoy.  Our top tip is to talk to as many people as you can (check with your trusted adult first) to find out about life in the 1970s.    Yes - even I remember the 1970s: I remember penny sweets that actually cost 1p, singing to Abba, my grandad's car - a Ford Capri - which he loved, flowery wallpaper and very flared trousers.  Sometimes people speak of the 1970s as a great decade for children, because they had a lot of freedom and spent a lot of time outside.  What do your relatives think?


We are so proud of you all and have loved receiving your letters this week.  Keep them coming!  Take care Barley and have a great week.

Children, thank you so very much for all the art work that you are sending in, it is so lovely to see what you are doing. Well done also to those of you who are getting involved in lots of daily outdoor activities such as cycling, running and walking that are keeping your bodies and minds fit and healthy.

Daisy's Animal Hotel

Australia Week - 15th June 2020

Charlie's Bee Adventures

Still image for this video
This week I have seen lots of 2D art work so I wondered whether you might like to try some more weaving. Remember when we used two willow sticks to make a weaving frame and we wove the wool around the sticks? You could try to do this at home or make yourself a weaving frame to weave the wool up and down or use outdoor materials such as sticks and leaves and feathers to do this. We would love to see them so please send in photos.Good luck.
2nd June 2020

1st June 2020


Good morning Barley class and welcome back.  We hope you enjoyed a fabulous half term.  Your learning this week is detailed in the folder below.   There are lots of activities that you can choose from.  Try to make sure you work on a good range so choose activities from each of the areas.    Our topic this week, is all things ART.  We thought you'd love that.    We are hoping to create a gallery here in school for when you return.  If it's possible, it would be great if you could drop into school your favourite piece of artwork from the week.  Make sure it is named, and the safest times to drop them off would be between 10.00 and 2.00 or after school.  Just leave them in the front lobby on the red chair.   If you can't drop them off, then email a photograph and we will print it for display or you could even post it.  Have a fabulous week.

Mr White has been looking after Billy whilst the school has been closed. One of his other snails has had babies this week, we thought you'd like to see them

Thank you very much Barley class for sending in your fabulous work and for trying so hard, we know it isn’t easy to work all day when you are at home. Today is the last day of this half term and next week we haven’t officially set you any work, except a bit of maths if you want to do it. After half term we will have a two week focus on Art and famous artists. Enjoy the sunshine, keep smiling and remember to be kind.
Good morning Barley Class, it’s Tuesday 19th May.This week is mental health awareness week and to begin the week an extra challenge is to draw a portrait of yourself, either use a photograph or a mirror to help you. It would be great if you could share these so we can put them on this page and guess who they are. When you have done that, think of 10 amazing things about yourself and add them around the edge of the portrait, ask you families to help you with ideas as you are all amazing children.

English Activities for the week beginning 18th May 2020

Please have a look at the three units above and choose the one which you are most interested in and which you think is best for you.  Complete an activity each day.  (Of course - if you want to do more or if you would like to work on more than unit, then please do).  

Topic Work - Week beginning 18th May 2020


Over the next week, and into half term if you wish, continue working on your Ancient Greek Activities.  In addition, we have uploaded some RE work - it might be nice to discuss this with your family.

RE Activity

Tuesday 12th May

Today is International Nurses Day, the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale and we are asked at 8.30pm to shine a torch from our windows to recognise the efforts of nurses to tackle Coronavirus.Find out who Florence Nightingale was and what she is remembered for. Good luck, keep a note of this in your exercise book or send evidence back to school.

Barley Class, I am sure many of you were involved in VE Day celebrations on Friday, please send us your photos we would love to see them.

Tuesday 5th May


Good morning Barley.  Firstly, we would like to say a huge WELL DONE and thank you for all the amazing work you have been sending in.  We have loved your stories, poems, models and shadows work.  We will share them on line.  We are having trouble uploading all your videos, so we have saved them all and when we come back we can share them.  


We are, as always, very proud - you are all superstars!


We are celebrating VE day on Friday, we have added a few fun resources you might like to do.





Thursday 30th April

I am regularly asking our lovely vicars if they can say prayers for our children and their families during this time. I am going to be setting up a prayer tree in school where we can hang prayers for members of our community. If you would like to add a prayer to the tree, either send it into school or email it to the office and I will make sure it goes on the tree. Take care, keep smiling and remember your kind words and deeds.

Barley Class, we are missing you all so very much and are enjoying seeing the work you are sending in. We are beginning to load up the next fortnight's learning. If you need a new exercise book, there are some in the school lobby or if you need anything extra to help with your work please let us know. 

Remember to keep reading everyday if you can.  Keep working on your spellings and times tables too.


We are starting a new topic - Ancient Greece.  I hope you enjoy it and I can't wait to see the photos of all your hard work.

Letter to Barley parents and carers

Topic Work - Ancient Greece

Thursday 23rd April


Good morning Barley.  We hope you are enjoying this lovely sunshine and getting on well with your home learning.    Today would be a perfect day for the shadows work!   


We have added some more photographs and powerpoints - have a look!   We have also heard about all the amazing things you've been up to:  baking, sewing, bike riding, trampolining, interviewing relatives for your biography, fixing punctures, gardening - the list goes on - it is lovely to hear about all the new skills you are developing!


You may want to look at the BBC website for some extra short films about earth and space:


We miss you all very much and are very proud of you.  Keep up the good work Barley.


Monday 20th April


Welcome back Barley.


We hope you have enjoyed your Easter holidays - weren't we lucky with the weather!

We have prepared and uploaded two weeks of home learning for you.   You will see a timetable below which has suggestions for each day and have also uploaded the resources for your activities.


We have tried hard to include lots of fun activities which we hope you will enjoy.  It is very important that you do not worry about home learning.  We all learn at our own pace and all have our strengths, as well as the things we find hard.  Do your best and remember we are very, very proud of you all.

Home learning - 20th April

Resources you will need for your next two weeks of learning

Resources for your English activities

Find out what your friends have been up to over the Easter holidays.  

Barley class we are so proud of you all and it has been lovely to see the learning you are sharing with us.

Keep up the good work, keep reading, keep smiling, keep laughing and be kind.

Today, We'd like you to find out about Good Friday, what happened on this day and why it is called good, when it most definitely doesn't sound good!

Take a look at what your friends have been up to ...
More fabulous learning ...

Today is Wednesday 1st April and we would like you to think about and research

What is Palm Sunday?

Why do we celebrate it?

What does the palm symbolise?

Please let us know what you have found out.

Barley Class, please make sure you are reading aloud for 20 minutes everyday and keeping a record of all the books you have read. Remember , you could have extra fun with this by trying to read with different voices!


Today’s target number is 99, the numbers you can use are 2, 5, 3, 5, 1. Good luck, see how many different ways you can reach the target.
Well done children you have reached the end of week 1 of home schooling and we have seen lots of fabulous examples of work that you have sent back to us. This weekend your challenge is to do some washing up to help you parents, oh and whilst the weather is still beautiful how about you try and make a den, either outside or inside. Good luck.

Have a look at our wonderful home learning . . .


It is Thursday 26th March and it is another beautiful day. Today We'd like you to learn three new words to add to your vocabulary...

extraordinary, hygienic and unpredictable.

Use them when you are talking to your family and write them into sentences to learn to spell them.

Good afternoon Barley Class. Your additional task today is to write a prayer for the world at this time. Please email them in to the office when you have completed them.

Happy Tuesday 24th March

Today's extra challenge is to learn a poem and recite it to your family. Good luck

Good morning Barley Class. It is Monday 23rd March and we are missing you all already. A short maths activity to add to your home learning.

The target number today is 49 and the numbers you need to use to get to the answer are

3, 4, 2, 5, 6

Recently, in Collective Worship we heard that the rainbow is a sign of hope. Paint or draw a picture of a rainbow and put it up in a window in your home so that when people are out for a walk they can look for rainbows.


Barley Class, your first challenge this weekend is to do something kind for someone. Good luck

In the back of your exercise book draw a vertical line with a ruler so that you have two columns. In one column record all the kind things you do, in the other column record the kindness that you hear about around the world.

Home Learning for weeks beginning 23rd and 30th March
