Collective Worship
Collective Worship - 3 Year Cycle
A couple of local parishioners have made these videos reading the Open the Book Good Friday and Easter passages as part of our Collective Worship for Easter:
Good Friday
These are the Collective Worship videos for Easters from Eve and Peter:
The Mary at the foot of the cross part is
The Easter Day type one is
Remembrance Day
Here is a video about Remembrance as part of our Collective Worship;
Revd. Eve and Peter have made a Collective Worship video for us all. Here's the link
Spring Term Values - Responsibility and Justice
W/B 1st June - Thankfulness. Read the story below and then think of something you are thankful for today. Then find out how to say thank you in different languages.
W/B 8th June. Read The Journey of Milk. Then find out about the journey of another food product and list all the people in the journey that you would need the thank.
W/B 15th June. The prayer we say before meals, sometimes called the grace, is important because it reminds us how blessed we are. Write a prayer to say Thank you for the food we have.
W/B 22nd June. The woman in the story below gave her most precious gift to Jesus to show her Thankfulness. Listen to the song 'The Circle of Life' (from the Lion King) then write or draw the best things about your life in a paper circle. Then say a prayer that starts "Father God we thank you for ...."
W/B 29th June.
Draw a black dot in the middle of a large piece of white paper. Even though the dot is very small our eyes are drawn to it. Sometimes it is easier to notice what is wrong in other people and in the things that happen in the world rather than noticing the good things.
Gospel means 'good news' and The Bible is sometimes referred to as The Good News. Select a text from The Bible and think about what the good news in the story is.
W/B 6th July Time to Say "Thank You" Task
We have created a Prayer Tree in the front entrance lobby. If you would like to write a prayer and attach it to the tree please do
During COVID-19 we will continue to produce activities for the children to support our learning about Christian Values. This half term our focus is on Creation.
Below you will find a weekly activity that you can complete, I would love to see what you produce so please email photos back to the school office FAO Mrs Tidby