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Welcome to Milton on Stour CE VA Primary School

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Intent, Implementation and Impact

In Reception we have been learning about God and his importance in religion. We learnt about how Muslims whisper the Adhan in a baby’s right ear.

A lovely trip to Salisbury Cathedral for the year 6 leaver's service.

Oats Class held a Shabbat meal.

Oats and Wheat Class went to the local church to find out about how the church got ready for Advent.

The children in Maize class have enjoyed re-enacting the story of the Birth of Jesus. They have used the nativity “Shine Star Shine” and what they have learnt in RE to support their role play.

Easter Experience in Church. We found out about symbolism of the Easter Story and thought about how different people would feel.

Maize Class - Why is the Cross a special symbol? Today Maize class learnt all about the Holy Week and why Christian’s believe the cross is a special symbol.

Wheat class Salvation Day- We created posters to show all the information we learnt about the different events in Holy Week

Salvation in Oats Class - we acted out the Easter Story and thought about how people felt at different stages.

Wheat Class Salvation Day- Creating out own crosses to symbolise the importance of the cross.

Wheat class Salvation Day- sorting and discussing images from the Easter story.

Oats Class have been learning about Diwali. We made rangoli patterns in forest power and out of rice. These welcome the goddess Lakshmi.

Church Christmas Experience - Every class visited the church to look at scenes from the Christmas Story

Maize class loved dedicating a whole day to learning about the question ‘What does the bible say about when Jesus was born?’. We looked at the different ways people celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Here you can see the children discovering lots of different objects which indicate the importance of Christmas, the children discussed what each object was and what is represents. We then had our own mini carol service in the classroom and enjoying singing songs. Then the children ended the day by creating their own Art-work to represent the stable scene from the Nativity story.

Oats Class thought about the Christmas story and how the people involved would have felt.

Wheat Class learning about the Islamic Wudu - the washing ritual completed before prayer.
