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Welcome to Milton on Stour CE VA Primary School

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All of the Milton uniform is available from 'Schoolwear and more' based in Yeovil. Orders can also be placed online,  Home - South West Schoolwear (



  • Grey (or charcoal) trousers, shorts, a grey skirt or pinafore, (A red/white check dress can be worn in the summer).
  • White polo or ordinary white shirt (Year 6 wear blue shirt and tie).
  • Maroon sweatshirt or fleece with Milton logo (hoodies are only for PE use).
  • Black shoes (No boots) or sturdy sandals.
  • Dark socks or grey tights.
  • Sun Hat/Cap.

 The children will need a coat or jacket for outdoor play, breaktime, lunchtime and everyday class activities.


PE Kit

  • PE bag with drawstring top
  • Black (or navy) shorts
  • Maroon t-shirt with Milton logo
  • Trainers
  • Football boots and shinpads (Year 3 and above)
  • Tracksuit (for winter games)


Also available are: Milton book bags, showerproof/reversible fleece. Milton Hoodie (only for PE use not in place of school sweatshirt of cardigan).


Please ensure that all uniform is clearly named!


No jewellery to be worn in school except watches and plain, small gold/silver stud earrings. These need to be taken out or taped for PE. No extreme haircuts including tram lines or coloured hair. All hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back with a plain, elastic hair tie. Nail varnish is not allowed. Children may bring in trainers to change into for playtimes if they wish. 
