Starting School
The school day begins at 09:00. Pupils are welcome into school from 08:45. Prime Sports Coaching offer an Early Morning Club from 7:45am for those pupils who need to be dropped off earlier. Booking is made directly with Prime Sports Coaching at the following link: Milton on-Stour - Early Morning Club (4 - 11yrs)
Pupils need to be picked up from the playground at 15:30. The gates are open from 3:20. Please do not bring dogs onto the playground.
Please be aware that after your child's place has been offered and accepted the school may get in contact with you via post or email. This will be during the summer term months. It is likely that emails from the school will initially go to your junk/spam folder so please ensure you are checking these so you don't miss any important information.
Ideas for things to do with your child ahead of starting school
- recite nursery rhymes and sing a song
- jump on two feet and hop on one foot
- recognise their own name
- do up a zip
- put on their socks and shoes
- know the names of different colours
- put pegs onto a washing line ( low level)
- count up to ten and from ten back to zero
- join in with repetition in stories
Careful listening is a very very important part of a child’s development towards being able to read. Go on a walk and ask your child to listen carefully to the sounds they can hear and try to guess what they are. Can they hear the birds tweeting, the rustling of leaves, church bells ringing, a helicopter in the sky.
This game can be played inside too by putting things that make sounds into a box and asking your child to guess what they are. You could try this with keys, a rattle, a squeaky toy etc
Reception Baseline Assessment
During your child's first few weeks at school, we will be carrying out the statutory Reception Baseline Assessment. You can find out more about the assessment by following this link:
Reception baseline assessment: information for parents - GOV.UK (