Intent and Implementation
The Teaching of Phonics
Writing and Reading Progression
Teaching Reading Progression whole school
Whole School progression in teaching writing
Grammar progression
Speaking and listening 2021
Handwriting Statement
Diary writing from Journey from the River Sea by years five and six.
Nursery Rhyme cross curricular work in reception
Our own Harry and the dinosaurs stories by year one.
Diary writing for Mary Anning by year one




Whispering Willows Theatre Production - We had a a great time watching a production told through acting, music and props made out of willow. After this, we took part in a workshop where we made willow crowns and had a go at to our own acting!
Wheat class have been creating story maps of the story Ivy and the Lonely Raincloud- Dragonflies used images from the story to support them.
Maize class have been reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. The children then had the chance to taste and feel a variety of different fruits to support them with coming up with lots of interesting and exciting describing words. The children then used these describing words in their own writing of an innovated version of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.

Word building in Maize Class - the children looked at the picture on their whiteboard, used their phoneme fingers to work out which sounds they needed, then used the magnetic letters to build the word.

9.2.22 Wheat. Dragonflies group looked at creating a story map using the talk for writing format. We used the images from the text 'Storm Whale'

The Three Frilly Goats Gruff

The Three Frilly Goats

Reading week!

Book Buddies! Hops Class buddied up with Maize class to read a story to them.
Barley Class have been rewriting the narrative Oliver Twist! They have used ambitious vocabulary and varieties of punctuation in order to make their writing exciting.!
Early Reading games in reception.
Early writing in reception.
Year group spellings
Spelling lists
Talk for Writing Storytelling Actions
10 top tips to encourage children to read in support of Reading Together Day
To support the very first Reading Together Day, the DfE have published tips for parents and carers of primary-aged children to help encourage and support children to read. This contains ideas on how to plan reading opportunities at home and make reading enjoyable and engaging, including during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.