Oats Class
As part of our British Values Day, Barley and Oats Class have been given an amount of money to spend on new equipment for playtimes. The children have broken into smaller groups to choose the item that they think will benefit the school the most. They have browsed catalogues and chosen their ideal piece/s of equipment. Their group must now convince the school that their equipment is right for everyone. They will present this argument in assembly next week and using the value of 'democracy', the children will vote for their favourite. The winning piece of equipment will then be purchased by Mrs Tidby for all to enjoy.
Welcome to Oats Class.
Our teacher this year is Miss Swaine and our teaching assistant is Mrs. Gaertig. Mr. Wahab teaches us PE and Computing on a Wednesday morning.
Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday and our Forest Power day is Monday.
Our topic is Long, Long Ago, here is the learning overview.
9th June - we compared the temperature.

19th May - we have been measuring a capacity.

11th May - we went to the Ancient Technology Centre to learn about Romans.

We had a tea party to celebrate the coronation and made crowns.

We made nets using skewers and marshmallows so we could count the edges and vertices.

1st December 2022 - we designed and cut out monster biscuits

25th November - We enjoyed making s’mores around the fire pit.

We made arrays to multiply

Family Learning - we made Iron Man and Women with our family

Algorithms - we programmed the Beebots to follow a route.

11th November 2022 - we experimented with play dough of adding extra pieces securely to a model.
Harvest Festival - look at the massive pumpkin Fraser grew!
10th September - partitioning

11th September - we went hunting for living and non living things

16th September - we are learning how to change fonts and type using Word.