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Welcome to Milton on Stour CE VA Primary School

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Legal Information

Legal Information


By law, schools maintained by their local authorities must publish certain information on their websites. Because this information is more relevant to different parts of the website, we have included this page to act as index to help you find what you need.


School contact details

Milton on Stour
Nr Gillingham
Telephone: 01747 822588

Admission arrangements

Please see the admissions section section of our website


Ofsted reports

Our ofsted reports are available on the Ofsted website


Exam and assessment results

Please see the assessment results section of our website


Performance tables

Please see the school performance section of our website



Please see the curriculum section of our website


Behaviour policy

Please see the policies section of our website


School complaints procedure

Please see the policies section of our website


Pupil premium

Please see the pupil premium section of our website


PE and sport premium for primary schools

Please see the sports premium section of our website


Special educational needs (SEN) and disability information

Equality objectives

Please see the policies section of our website


Governors information and duties

Please see the governors section of our website


Charging and remissions policies

Please see the policies section of our website


Values and ethos

Please see the values and ethos section of our website


Requests for paper copies

If you would like a paper copy of any of the information on our website, please contact the school office who will provide this free of charge.
