British Values
British Values Days Programme of Learning
Friday 15th November 2024
Years 1 and 2 discussed liberty, mutual tolerance and respect. They then explored the concept of having choices. This led to the children designing some beautiful posters to show the choices they are allowed to make. The children felt grateful for these and understood that not everyone has the same choices.
Years 3 and 4 working together
Years 3 and 4- 15/11/24
For our British Values afternoon, we explored the concept of diversity by creating a symbol to represent it. We worked together in groups of 4 to create our symbols and thought carefully about what diversity is and what it might look like. We began with a discussion about the importance of respecting our differences, during which the pupils shared thoughtful comments like, "If everyone were the same, the world would be boring," and, "Being different is fun." To deepen our understanding, we examined various symbols, including those representing different religions, to become familiar with their meanings.
15/11/24 - Year 5 and 6 - Individual Liberty
On British Values day, the pupils in Year 5 and 6 had an excellent discussion about what individual liberty is and how and when it is necessary to curtail an individual's liberty in order to ensure that the rights of others are respected. We looked at a range of different scenarios and the children showed a very good understanding in their responses. They summed up their ideas about what individual liberty is to create a collaborative poster.
21/02/2024 - Wheat Class (Rule of Law)
Why do we have rules?
In Wheat class we have been learning why we have rules, we started our day discussing our rules if we were the new headteacher at Milton. Later in the day we continued this by playing ball games in pairs without being given any rules. The children soon discovered how chaotic this was so we slowly started to introduce rules into the games. We had a circle time after this where the children discussed that rules keep us safe, rules keep things fair and rules stop us from getting hurt among plenty of other discussions around why rules are important. The class were very thoughtful about this topic and we had lots of meaningful conversations about it.
Hops Class
For our British Values afternoon, Hops focused on the big question: 'When is your individual liberty curtailed or removed?'
This stemmed many questions as to what the differences are between rules and laws and when it is acceptable to get liberty taken away. From these discussions, we created our own shield with four personal values of when someone's liberty should not be removed, e.g food, shelter and warmth.
Hops Class were learning about MP's and their roles. We produced a mock election where children represented a party: Green, Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats. They produced a manifesto, budget, posters and a speech to pitch their ideas.