Wheat Class
Summer Term- Our Topic this term is Happily Ever After.
Science- today we have been creating silhouettes using animal shapes.

29.06.22 Art and ICT free flow

After our school trip to Hauser and Wirth we held our own art gallery to show off the amazing drawings the children created whilst on the trip. We then created our own Henry Moore Sculptures using playdough
During Forest Power this week we went outside to draw the different things we could see in the surrounding areas.

In Wheat class today we made Wind socks out of recycled plastic bottles to use to check which direction the wind is blowing.
We have been looking at Non-fiction finding facts about Castles

When Year 6 came to help with Wheat class! Year 6 came to support Wheat class with their English work trying to find the features of Non-Chronological texts.
Maths problem solving work this morning.

Wheat Class's trip to Old Wardour Castle
11.05.22- ART- We have been experimenting with different printing techniques to try and re-create 'The Great Wave'

This week in phonics we are recapping our alphabet

We have been out hunting and collecting leaves in forest power today.

Free explore in the Forest Power area.

Wheat were taste testing Hot Cross Buns today as we have been about the importance of the Cross in the Easter Story.

Family learning. What a fantastic morning Wheat class had with their family learning where they made some creative and natural birds nests.
Science week! this week we have been looking at seasons and how to measure weather. We created our own rain gauges to help us measure the amount of rain.

Wheat class have been learning the verses to Round and Round

Verse 4
Making spinning paper with Alice from Pop Fizz.

Making spinning paper with Alice from Pop Fizz.

Pop Fizz Science company- 09.03.22
1.3.22 Today in Forest Power the children collected natural materials and created a journey stick.

9.2.22 English- Dragonflies created a story map from the story Storm Whale

9.2.22 ICT today we looked at typing sentences on 'Paint'

Wheat class were able to look around a fire engine today 4.2.22 and hear all about the tools the fire fighters use
1.2.22 Forest school- today the children were creating a number line using natural resources.

1.2.22 Problem solving. This morning the children in Wheat class were set a colour sudoku challenge to solve in pairs.

26.1.22 ART; We have been looking at seasons and have put all of our experimental art techniques into creating seasonal pictures.
20.1.22 Geography. Today we were weather presenters.

13.1.22 PE- today we were looking at working in unison.

13.1.22 Geography- We have been looking at weather and the different seasons. Today the children had to decide which clothing went with the correct season.
5.1.22 ART- today we enjoying mark making with a range of materials like; cotton buds, spoons, cocktail sticks and lolly pop sticks.

5.1.22 English- Today we were passing around a range of outdoor materials and creating a word bank of adjectives.

Wheat Spring Term Over View- This term we are looking at Extreme Weather.
London's Burning! We re-enacted The Great Fire of London at the fire pit.
To parents and carers,
Wheat class have had a fantastic 3 days taking part in a wide range of Christmas activities, crafts, church visits and singing. They have each made a decoration which they can all take home with them on Friday once they have dried.
I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and enjoy a well deserved break.
See you all in the New Year,
Miss Read.
15.12.21 Christmas activities
14.12.21 Christmas activities
13/12/21 Christmas activities
RE DAY- Can you retell the birth of Jesus Christ?
Maths- I can sort 3-D shapes.

We had a lovely time at our Family Learning session making models of Tudor houses to support our History topic on The Great Fire of London.
Reflection- We have been listening to the song What a wonderful world and looking at all the wonderful natural things in our school and created a collage.
Art this week we have been looking at different techniques when working with clay.

ICT this week we have been following the instructions to move our Bee Bots- by following the maps and arrows.