Wheat Class
Dear Wheat Class parents,
Thank you so much for all the lovely cards and presents that you sent in for us. It has been a pleasure to teach your children this year. We wish you all a very happy summer holiday!
With love and best wishes from Mrs Bosher and Mrs Smith x
An archaeologist talked to Wheat Class about her job and her work on Stonehenge. She showed us lots of very old artefacts including Stone Age tools and a sheep skull.
In Science Wheat Class carried out an investigation to find out how far a toy car would travel from different height ramps. We observed closely and recorded what happened.
Wheat class made their own Harmonicas on 'Music Maker Day'.

In History we are learning about The Stone Age. Here we are singing and playing our Stone Age instruments to the Stone Age Stomp.
'Chance to Shine' cricket skills with Mrs Wickstead
Stonehenge silhouettes- children made the silhouettes using paper by cutting and tearing. They also added a sunset in the background using pastels.

In Science this week Wheat Class have been learning to identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including trees. Mr White took us to the woodland area of the school and showed us lots of plants.
Learning about plants in the woodland area at Milton.
In P.E this week the children learnt to play rounders. They did a great job of getting some rounders and showed some excellent throwing and hitting skills!
Shape skeleton's- In our Maths problem solving activity this week the children needed to workout how many sticks and bits of blue tac they needed to make a cube, they had an option to choose from. The children then had a go at making other shape skeleton's.

This term in R.E we have been learning about Islam and what it means for Muslims to belong. The children have been looking at the preparation for prayer and practised the 'Wudu' ritual.

Maths Problem Solving- Children were investigating if 'Longer pods hold more beans than shorter pods'. Children discussed as a group, measured the beans using rulers and cubes and compared the sizes of beans.
'We're going on a dinosaur hunt'- In Forest School this week Mrs Slade took the children on a dinosaur hunt following the adaptation of the original story.
In Maths we played a counting on and counting back game on our 100 squares.
Maths Games
Dinosaur moving pictures- the children planned their pictures and followed them to produce their moving picture.

Dinosaur Habitats- thank you for the wonderful work completed at home, they are amazing!
Phonics Assessment
Tuesday 27th April
Thank you to all the parents who have sent in fossils for our history display. We would like to keep them for this term and will take good care of them.
Phonics Screening: please help your child to practise for this by visiting the PhonicsPlay website and playing the free games.
Thank you.
Counting in 10's to 100- children enjoyed grouping objects into 10's then using them to count to 100. They also used denes to count in 10's to 100.

To start off on our topic 'Stones and Bones' the children created pieces of art similar to that of cave art using natural materials, following on from listening to the story 'Cave Baby' by Julia Donaldson
Hello Wheat Class,
We hope you all had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed some much needed rest and time seeing family and friends outside.
This term's P.E lessons will be held on Monday's and Wednesday's, please ensure your child comes into school wearing their P.E kits on these days (this has changed from last term).
On Tuesday's the children will be doing Forest Power, so please make sure your child has appropriate footwear and outerwear at school.
Please see attached the curriculum map for this terms topic 'Stones and Bones'. It includes all the skills and knowledge the children will be learning this summer term.
As mentioned we would greatly appreciate if you have any fossils you wouldn't mind bringing in and sharing with the class.
This term's home learning task is to create a dinosaur habitat in a box or on a poster. This is to be handed in on Monday 10th May. This task will fit in with that current weeks learning as we will be focusing on dinosaur habitats in history and in art.
Looking forward to a new term ahead.
Mrs Bosher and Mrs Smith
Welcome to the Summer Term, Wheat Class!
This term our History topic is called 'Stones and Bones'. We will be learning about Dinosaurs, fossils and The Stone Age. If you have any fossils at home that you would be happy to lend us for a display, please send them in. Alternatively, you could take a photo of it and send that in.
Thank you.
Easter week outdoor activities- with Easter egg/ themed chalk drawings and an Easter treasure hunt
Outdoor activities
Easter Wreath making
Our Easter Walk
This week we enjoyed doing some structured outdoor activities. To fit in with our Easter theme the children each made a cross. They also drew pictures from the Easter story and other Easter themed pictures using chalk. Alongside this the children enjoyed partaking in some practical games.
Mothering Sunday Collective Worship
Here is a link to an assembly by Reverend Peter from our church.
Today children enjoyed the start of making some papier mache eggs as part of a R.E/ D.T lesson. Children persevered with covering their balloons. They will be decorating them in the next couple of weeks with pictures from the Easter Story.
Happy New Year Wheat Class,
I hope you all have had a lovely Christmas with your families. We are looking forward to seeing you all again tomorrow. If you are not in, may I please remind you to use Microsoft Teams to use the resources added each week for the core subjects.
By the end of the week please may you bring in a photo or drawing of your favourite present you received this Christmas. This will be needed for next week's English lesson.
We will also be sending home a reading challenge for the children to have a go at over this term.
Many thanks
Mrs Bosher and Mrs Smith
Spring Term
P.E Kits-
Please can you ensure your child has a full P.E Kit. The children will bring them home tomorrow after P.E where you can check what is needed to be added. Please return these by the following week Monday 23rd November at the latest. A lot of children have pieces missing from their P.E kit and now with colder days ahead of us they need warmer clothing.
Please can you ensure in their P.E kits they have-
Trainers or Plimsolls
P.E shorts
Tracksuit bottoms or leggings
P.E t-shirt (maroon t-shirt)
Spare socks
P.E jumper school or own (not essential as they can where their school jumper).
Thank you for your support
Mrs Bosher and Mrs Smith
Anti- bullying week- 16th- 20th November 2020
This week we will be focusing on anti-bullying and we will have moments to discuss what this means in Wheat class.
Please look at the articles attached to discuss them with your child and complete a jigsaw piece on what part you can play in anti-bullying week.
Many thanks
Mr Bosher and Mrs Smith
Home Learning October half term
Mental Health Day ideas
Forest Power
Welcome to Wheat Class 2020!
Our topic for the Autumn term is 'Incredible Me'.
In History we have been looking at our Family Trees. Thank you so much for sending in the completed trees for our display. We have had a lovely time looking at them together.
We will soon be comparing schools now with those in the past. Please talk to your child about your memories of school when you were their age. Also please ask grandparents to explain how schools have changed since they were children.
Topic plan for Autumn term
Home Learning tasks September 2020
Reading books
We have now completed our Phonics assessment and your child will now have brought home a reading book suitable for their reading level. Please do not worry if they have had the book before or if they have gone back a reading band colour level. As a class we all need to practise sounding and blending to read words so that we can become confident readers.
Best wishes from Mrs Bosher and Mrs Smith