Oats Class
Apologies but there will be no spellings on the 5th July due to a mishap with the printer. The next spelling test will be on Friday 12th July. These are the spellings that are week 36.
Spellings to be checked on Friday 12th July 2024
Spellings to be check on Thursday 27th June 2024 (as Friday is an INSET day)
Spellings to be checked on Friday 21st June 2024
Spellings to be checked on Friday 14th June 2024
As we reach the end of our phonics programme for this academic year, attached is a letter from Tricky Word Trevor that outlines all of the tricky words we have learnt this year. All of these words have been given to your children in spelling tests along the way and they will all be part of the final assessment. Please continue to practise reading and writing these at home.
Trip to Stonehenge!

Spellings to be checked on Friday 24th May 2024
Spellings to be checked on Friday 17th May 2024
Apologies as there will be no spellings to be checked on Friday 10th May 2024 due to technical issues with the internet and printer.
Spellings to be checked on Friday 3rd May 2024. This week all of the children have the same spellings and they must learn the meaning of each homophone as I will read to them a sentence and they must be able to choose the correct one.
Please take a look at this term's curriculum map.
Spellings to be checked on Friday 26th April 2024
Spring Family Learning

Spellings to be checked on Friday 22nd March 2024
Spellings to be checked on Friday 15th March 2024
Spellings to be checked on Friday 8th March 2024
Spellings to be checked on Friday 1st March 2024. All children will have the same spellings this week as it is a tricky word assessment linked to the school's phonics scheme.
Spellings to be checked on Friday 9th February 2024
Spellings to be checked on Friday 2nd February 2024
Oats Class have enjoyed painting this term. They have all created a painting by tinting colours using white to show contrast.

Spellings to be check on Friday 26th January 2024
Spellings to be checked on Friday 19th January 2024
Spellings to be checked on Friday 12th January 2024
Please take a look at our curriculum for this term as it will inform you of what your child will be learning.
Happy New Year everyone and welcome back to a new term in Oats Class.
The PE days will remain the same as Monday and Tuesday.
Your child will continue to receive their spellings on a Friday to be tested the following Friday.
Thank you to everyone who attended our Family Learning session last week. It was a joy seeing all of the families in school.
Spellings to be checked on Friday 8th December
Please can I ask that any child who has been given lines to learn for the Christmas Production, to practise these as much as they can at home.
Many thanks,
Mr Banton
Spellings to be checked on Friday 1st December
Spellings to be checked on Thursday 23rd November
Spellings to be checked on Friday 17th November
Spellings to be checked 10th November 2023
Dear Parents,
Another part of our Science topic this year is to explore a micro-habitat. Please can I ask that your child brings their wellies in for tomorrow’s lesson.
Many thanks,
Mr Banton
Adventure trip to Carymoor

Habitat hunting in our school woodland area

Please can you ensure that your child brings their reading book and record to school each day. Also, can you make sure that they have their spelling book with them as they add their new spellings as well as their previous scores to this. Thank you for your support. Mr Banton.
Extra spellings to practise
Spellings to be checked 20th October 2023
Due to our trip last Friday, we had our spelling test yesterday. I have given your children new spellings but I am aware that this will only give them a short time to practise. Therefore, I have decided to give them a longer amount of time to practise with their new spellings. Their next spelling test will be Friday 20th October. They can continuously practise their spellings until then.
If they know these inside out year 2s can practise common exception words and year 3s can practise spelling words from the year 3 & 4 spelling list.
Just a reminder!
Friday 6th October is our Wheat/Oat class trip to Carymoor Environmental Trust for our adventure day, we are all very excited!
Your child must wear warm, waterproof clothing with robust footwear such as wellies or old trainers, long trousers are essential! Please also send your children to school with a packed lunch and drink bottle.
School times are as normal and we will be back at school for normal pick up.
Dear Parents,
As part of our Science unit, we will be exploring a local habitat. For this, we will use the woodland area on our school grounds. As a class, along with the support of Mr White, we will go in search of local wildlife next Wednesday 4th October 2023 (weather permitting). As the grass is relatively long and wet, please can I ask your child to bring in their wellies for Tuesday so that they are ready in school for the lesson on Wednesday. I will also give your children reminders next week.
Many thanks,
Mr Banton
Doing our writing outside

Sentence sorting!

Jesus turned water into wine!