Barley Class
A very warm welcome back to Barley Class for our summer term. Our topic this term is 'Walking in someone else's shoes.' Please see the topic overview below for more details.
P.E. days have changed again this term to Monday and Wednesday - please continue to send your child in P.E. kit on these days.
Homework this year consists of weekly spelling learning, I hope you have had chance to see your child's new spelling book, and regular reading to an adult remains a priority. The learning of times tables up to 12 x 12 is also a key learning outcome for this year. Children will be practising their tables daily in class, however, any practise that you can do at home would also be beneficial. This could include logging onto T.T. Rock stars but could be as simple as quizzing your children over dinner - just ask them which table they have been practising first.
Mr Wickstead :)
Walking in someone else's shoes - Termly Overview
Year Four had a great time at the music workshop with Jack and Ellie from B Sharp.

4th May 2022 - Year 5 have arrived at Leeson House and walked to Dancing Ledge.
Family learning morning.