We are a Voluntary Aided school which means we are state-funded , but one in which a foundation or trust (in our case the Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education) owns the school buildings, contributes to building costs and has a substantial influence in the running of our school. V.A. schools such as ours, have more autonomy than Voluntary Controlled schools, which are entirely funded by the state.
Governing bodies of Voluntary Aided schools are a combination of appointed and elected members. Foundation governors, are appointed by the local church and the Board of Education to preserve and develop the religious character of schools and to secure compliance with the Trust Deed, also to represent the interests of the church, and the foundation and include parents. Foundation governors in all VA schools make up the majority on governing bodies Foundation governors provide the visible link between the school, local community and church.
We have a duty to ensure that the character of the school reflects its Christian foundation We also ensure Religious Education is provided in accordance with the Trust Deed and decide in consultation with the Headteacher, the arrangements for Collective Worship As a VA school we also have a denominational inspection of the school ethos, worship and Religious Education, which is called a Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS).
All Governors and the Headteacher are responsible for the Safeguarding of all children and staff, something taken very seriously at Milton The whole Governing body is responsible for the appointment of staff, however, Foundation Governors ensure that all teaching and non-teaching staff are made aware of the Christian character and foundation of the school. The Governing body is made up of various members of the community and can be between nine and twenty members working closely with the Headteacher, who is responsible for the day to day management of the school. There are fourteen governors at Milton and as well as the Foundation, include Parents, Teachers, Staff, and a Local Authority representative. The Headteacher and the Parish Priest are Ex Officio members. The term Ex Officio means someone who is part of it by virtue of holding another office. In our case that of Headteacher & Priest (from the latin –by right of office).
The governing board is part of the school leadership team, responsible for:
- overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction strategic planning and policy development.
We also operate a Foundation Values working group, plus a group of governors who oversee the Performance Management of the Headteacher.
The Full Governing Board meets once a month and Governors with a link role visit the school once a term and then feedback to the board. Governors receive no remuneration for the time they spend on governance at the school or for the part we play in school life. Our reward is seeing the smiling faces that greet us and the satisfaction of knowing that everyone has had the ‘Milton Experience’.
Governors Strategic Plan
Meet Our Governors
Roy Osborough - Interim Chair of Governors
Academic Background
BSc (Hons) Environmental Health
Master of Business Administration
Business Background
Retired from local government following almost forty years’ service, mainly in the Midlands and the south coast, specialising in environmental management and business development.
Personal Background
I am a resident of Ferndown where I have lived with my wife for over thirty years. I have two grown-up daughters and three grandchildren all of whom live locally.
In addition to my role as Chair of Governors at Milton, I am also currently Chair of Governors at Ferndown Upper School.
My main motivation in school governance arises from my desire to contribute to improving the life chances for children and applying to this the experience I have gained during my professional career.
Ellie Doyle, Clerk to the Governing Board.
I am the temporary Clerk for Milton on Stour.
Following retirement from life in a secondary school in North Yorkshire, as the Headteacher’s PA and a separate role as the Clerk to Governors, I moved to Dorset. It was never my intention to retire, and it wasn’t long before I found I was clerking three Local Authority schools! I am currently looking after two further schools as a temporary Clerk.
I have also successfully completed the Clerks Professional Programme.
Chris Heal, Co-opted Governor
As a co-opted, or community, Governor my only attachment to the school is as part of the wider community. Many of my friends and family work, or have worked, in education; it is the awareness which I have gained from these relationships that motivated me to try and do my bit for education at a local scale.
During the day, I work as an environmental scientist, specialising in water and map data. The entirety of my experience in education is what I have learnt during my short time here as a Governor. I feel that, although limiting in some respects, this can mean I am able to bring an independent perspective. In my free time I enjoy running, cycling, hockey and getting involved in local nature conservation efforts. I am a strong advocate for greater access to sport, nature, and the outdoors.
Vanessa Lucas – Interim Governor
I moved to Dorset in 2000 from the Midlands. I have over 40 years’ experience in education having taught in Primary, Middle and Secondary schools, lectured in Primary Education and Mathematics and worked as a Primary Adviser for Mathematics. I retired as a headteacher in 2016 and now enjoy time in my garden, walking my dog and volunteering in my local community and abroad. I have been a governor in a variety of schools over the years.
I was delighted to be invited to join the governors at Milton on Stour who are clearly focused on giving every child the best opportunity for success possible.
Samantha Shields - Parent Governor
I was educated in Gillingham and continued to attend Bournemouth University. I have worked as a Registered Nurse for 27 years and currently work as a Community Nurse in the local area.
Both of my children attend Milton-on-Stour Primary School and I have developed a close attachment to the school, with a keen interest in seeing it develop and prosper. Acting as a Parent Governor allows me to use my skills and life experiences to add some value to the board and bring a fresh perspective to the role.
Rhiannon Tidby - Headteacher
I am the Headteacher of Milton-on-Stour Primary School and have been at the school since January 2019.
Amanda Solman - Deputy Head and SENCO
I am the Deputy Head and SENCO at Milton on Stour and also support another local school with their SEN work. I am proud to work with the staff at Milton, who work hard to provide the very best experience for our children. I enjoy working with our governing body in developing a long term strategic view for our school, and in bringing the expertise of our staff to that work.
To contact the Governors, email our temporary Clerk to Governors, at There may be a delay in response as we are currently without a permanent Clerk.
Attendance and Interests
All governing bodies are required to publish their members attendance at meetings along with a register of any business or pecuniary interests individual members may have.