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Intent and Implementation

Art Teaching Progression

Art outcomes to match topics

What Art looks like in EYFS.

Reception class art using natural materials

Our own versions of Van Gogh’s Sunflowers by year one and two

Barley class own Banksy style painting

Hops Class produced some fantastic sketches of the Empire Windrush!

In Maize class we have been learning about the artist Henri Matisse, we discussed his snail painting and recreated it using collage, we then recreated it using natural resources in Forest Power.

We then created a piece in the Style of Matisse using stamps and Acrylic.

Local artist, Pauline Dawkins, visited Hops and Barley this week to teach them how to make junk birds!

Oats Class used natural materials to print

Hops Class recreated the famous piece of artwork 'The Great Wave' by Hokusai.

Barley Class recreated Hokusai's Great Wave using our skills of mixing and texturizing our paint

Hops Class produced some lovely pieces of artwork inspired by Vincent Van Gogh's 'Starry Night.'

The children having been using a range of materials and creating pictures from the text “Owl Babies”

Wheat class have been using their weaving skills to create paper weaving mats

Oats and Wheat Class enjoyed their trip to the art gallery, where they were shown sketching techniques and learnt about the work of Henry Moore.

11.05.22- ART- We have been experimenting with different printing techniques to try and re-create 'The Great Wave'

Maize class have been reading ‘The Gruffalo’. When innovating the story, each child used play-dough and a range of materials to create their own monster. They practised joining and manipulating the different materials to achieve their desired effect. The children then moved onto describing their monster, using lots of exciting adjectives.

Model Making - a fleet of London buses arrived in Oats Class. Cutting, sticking and making 3D shapes.

Oats Class experimented with different painting techniques to create Monet inspired impressionist paintings.

9.2.22 Wheat have been looking at whales from their text 'Storm Whale' and have created finger print whales to represent different mark making skills.

Hops have been creating some amazing art work following alongside their English text. They explored using watercolour.

Wheat Class have been looking at seasons and have created new painting techniques and put them into good practice.

Oat Class have been doing some cross curriculum work and have produced some art work into their topic looking at Rangoli patterns exploring with rice, colour and collage.

Wheat class have been exploring different techniques with clay!

Art work display- Hops class created some beautiful Monet work for our school hall way displays. Exploring with paint to create the background and working with paper folding to create a 3D image.

Reading Week- As part of reading week each class focused on a specific illustrator and re created some of their work! There was a range of sketching, modelling and painting.

Abstract Art

1970s inspired art work involving pattern

Aboriginal Artwork

Piet Mondrian

Gwen John inspired portraits by Reception class

Pop Art

Printing in lower KS2 using everyday materials

Pastel work inspired by Pablo Picasso

Weaving in key stage two

Andy Goldsworthy inspired art work using natural resources.

Collage in EYFS
