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Welcome to Milton on Stour CE VA Primary School

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Maize Class

Welcome to Maize Class 2024 - 2025

Our teachers are Mrs Tidby, Mr Stanford and Mrs Bristow.

Letter about Reading Books and Early Reading

Words to practice reading at home - October 2024

Maize Class October half term homework task

Letter formations in line with phonics scheme

Words to practise at home December 2024

We looked at the famous picture by artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo and the created our own versions.

We have been reading the story of The Hungry Caterpillar, learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and learning the days of the week.

We made our butterflies symmetrical by painting then folding our paper.

We made fruit kebabs and then tasted all the fruits to decide on our class favourite .

This week we are exploring ways to make 7

We made house pictures from shapes.

On our first day back we have been spelling three and four letter words.

Christmas Holiday Homework Task

After Christmas we will be looking at the rhyme 'This is the house that Jack built'. Please can children bring in a picture of their house as part of our speaking and listening activities ( email if you prefer and we can print)

We made Santa plates

This morning we enjoyed our Christmas breakfast with Santa

The elves have been busy in their workshop wrapping presents.

This week we have been making repeating patterns with beads and paper chains.

As we have now entered the period of Advent, we are learning about the Advent Wreath.

During w/b 2nd December please send a baby picture of your child into school. We are learning about Jesus when he was a baby and exploring how we were all once a baby. Many Thanks

We enjoyed hot chocolate and a story around the fire pit today. We used the very best china cups!

We have been retelling the story of Owl Babies. We have enjoyed making nests and lots of different owl crafts.

We loved learning about the story of Room on a Broom

We made poppies from multi link and using paper collage.

This week we read the book Clean Up. We learnt about how rubbish dropped in the environment can damage animals and fish. We have taken part in a number of activities to support our learning and made our own posters.

Today we took part in a hula hoop workshop, it was lots of fun!

This week we have been learning about The Rainbow Fish and how she shared her scales.

We printed rainbow fish using paint and bubble wrap

We caught fish using magnetic rods

We used felt tips to carefully colour the shapes on the silver foil, so they would shine.

This week we have been listening to the story of Elmer. This has helped us to focus on sorting by colour and size.

In RE we have been learning about how God is important and how Muslims whisper the Adhan in a baby’s ear

We used autumn leaves to make our own pictures.

We made our own class scarecrow

We have been using a storymap to retell The Gingerbread Man.

Thank you so very much to all our parents for joining us today to make our scarecrows during Family Learning, they look fantastic.

This week we have been learning about The Gingerbread Man. We have been finding ways to help him get across the river.

We made our own Gingerbread Men

We have used careful tweezer skills to give him pom pom buttons and we’ve been thinking about speech bubbles and trying to write our own.

We sang ‘ The Dingle Dangle Scarecrow ‘ in church for the Harvest Festival

With our upcoming Harvest Festival we have been thinking about farming and where our food comes from.

Our Bears

We shared the book ‘All are Welcome’ and talked about how we are all different and special.

Autumn 1 Letter for Parents about Curriculum content

We planted lots of bulbs in our outside area.

We have been building our hand strength and developing co-ordination through squeezing fruit to make juice and pouring it into bottles.

This week we have been sorting the numbers 1,2 and 3

We had our New Starters Service in church and Reverend Angus blessed our decorated pebbles. We then placed them in the school stream.

We have been learning how to build a wall for Humpty Dumpty

We have made gardens for Mary, Mary Quite Contrary

We have explored making and pouring cold tea using tea leaves, a tea pot and tea strainer. We are learning the rhyme ‘I’m a Little Teapot’
