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Welcome to Milton on Stour CE VA Primary School

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The intent of our curriculum is built around our three core Christian values of Love, Hope and Joy and the theological underpinning of the The Lost Sheep.

These Christian values inform our Golden Threads which weave through our entire curriculum.  These threads epitomise our key priorities for the children of Milton.

Our Golden threads are:

  • Embracing Diversity
  • Developing Character
  • Ambitious readers with assured oracy

The Golden threads run through a curriculum which has deliberately been designed to be text rich and loaded with experiential learning including our enterprise, global and community projects. The focus is to know more and remember more.

These threads have been decided in response to consultation with children, parents and staff.  


The intention of our curriculum is that our Milton children will leave us with the skills and confidence to live out the parable of the lost sheep, both now and in their futures.

Curriculum INTENT diagram

The IMPLEMENTATION of our Curriculum

At Milton-on-Stour CE VA Primary School we strive to have an engaging and inclusive curriculum which will empower all children to reach their full potential. We teach the National Curriculum through a knowledge based cross curricular approach. We rewrote our curriculum in Summer 2021 based on a 3 year rolling plan of topics due to the mixed age, split year group classes in our school. The curriculum is deliberately planned to be text rich with strong links to diversity and PSHE.

Curriculum Topics Overview 3 year plan

11 things to do before you are 11!

Topic Planning Overview Wheat and Oats 3 year cycle

Phonics and Reading Schemes


The Collins ‘Song of Sounds’ phonics scheme was introduced in September 2019, this is taught alongside our main reading scheme of Big Cat Collins. There are supplementary reading schemes used for pupils who need additional practice and consolidation before moving on to free reading.





Teaching & Learning Policy 2022

Remote Learning

On 20th April 2020 the DfE launched online learning programs for pupils to access at home

Launch of the Oak National Academy online classroom and resource hub

The sector-led Oak National Academy has launched its online classroom and resource hub. The Academy offers a huge range of video lessons for schools to use, across a broad range of subjects. The lessons cover children in Reception through to Year 10 and are free to use by both teachers and young people.

The Oak National Academy can be accessed via the below address:

Launch of BBC Bitesize

The BBC has launched an education package across TV and online, featuring celebrities and teachers, helping to keep children learning at home and supporting parents.

BBC Bitesize can be accessed using this address:
