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Barley Class

W/C 30/09/24

This week we have been using the column method to solve addition problems. We had a fabulous morning on Friday making bridges with our family members. We look forward to seeing how strong our bridges are next week. In science we have been learning about sound and enjoyed our outdoor experiment! In English we have started our new book ‘Wind in the Willows’. 

Bridge building

W/C 23/09/24

This week in Barley class we have been busy creating suspense writing, learning all about sound, experimenting with oil pastels and much more!

This week in Barley class we have been learning all about place value! We have also been busy practising our song for the harvest festival. We have been working really hard and have produced some amazing work as a result. 

W/C 16/09/2024

Monet inspired Art

Skittles Experiment

Barley class have had lots of fun, we have been busy exploring our creative side! We had lots of fun experimenting with ice and skittles! We have also enjoyed learning about Monet and recreating some of his masterpieces. 
