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Design and Technology

Some lovely cookies made by a year 6!

Deisgn and make Roman shields

Intent and Implementation

Design and Technology - Progression of Skills


We have been exploring fruit and vegetables in reception and tasting different fruits

Oats Class used features of Roman architecture to build columns.

Hops Class designed and made flowers for the set of their play A Midsummer Night's Dream. They used running stitch, cross stitch and blanket stitch.

Hops class designed and constructed Mayan buildings from their current topic. They designed using a criteria and specification and used research on the subject to support them.

Maize Class - My Granny went to Market on a Magic Carpet! Today the children had a go at weaving their own magic carpets. It was very fiddly but luckily, their grownups came into school to help.

Maize Class also worked with their grownups to make tools for an Explorers Adventure!

Wheat class designed a birds nest for their DT project then during our family session they created their designs using natural materials. Gluing, weaving, moulding and sculpturing.

Wheat's family learning day- building and constructing houses from the Great Fire of London out of cardboard.

Wheat have been looking at how to join carboard in different ways as part of our modelling progression.

Wheat have been looking at healthy and unhealthy foods

Oats Class built and designed new buildings for London

Barley Class studied the Victorian engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel. They created 3D structures from spaghetti in order to plan a successful model for their own Clifton Suspension Bridge models.
